Welcome to the TagMyDoc Blog.

Welcome to the TagMyDoc Blog.

TagMyDoc is an innovation-related document management started by KNOVA Web Technologies Inc., a young Montreal company that specializes in the development of embedded mobile web solutions (web applications that interact with mobility). I am Gabriel Deschênes, president and chief designer at KNOVA Technologies. I will representa the Company on this blog.

In fact, TagMyDoc brings a revolution in innovation, that is to say that users and their peers will change their daily routines for exchanging documents, because TagMyDoc changes the philosophy and how to share and access documents. Now a simple request for a copie of a document simply requires an instant scan to obtain an electronic copy of the document right on your device! The person requesting the document is responsible for sending it. So-long to the slow colleague who was supposed to send you the document. Hello to instant access!

The author of the document no longer has to remember those who asked for the document and the requesters don,t have to wait to receive it!

It's simple: you want a copy of the document presented at the meeting, take it!

The innovative concept of TagMyDoc is possible thanks to the powerful technology of QR codes: the most efficient two-dimension code. The QR code is worldwide known marketing tool for mobile devices.. In addition, the tag is an excellent bridge between the physical and the virtual world. For those of you who do not know the QR Code: I like to compare it to a bridge built on the cutting edge technology to maximize the highways. However, the bridge does not guarantee the quality of the promised land, fortunately, unfortunately it is only humans that ensures its quality! I mention this to demonstrate how the TagMyDoc platform uses the QR code to instantly giver you access to content quality that is the file in which you are interested.

Having said this, let me remind you that we are continually breaking new ground and we love to hear from you to better align our creations. Feel free to send your comments, suggestions and questions.
Click here to watch the official TagMyDoc video!

Thank you and have a great day! (Next post: introdcution to our ScanMyDoc QR code reader, the only mobile application ready for the TagMyDoc platform.)
